Premiul a fost atribuit pentru compania de sisteme cu cea mai rapidă creștere din anul 2015
Ceremonia de inmânare a premiului a avut loc la Londra, in perioada expoziției ICE Totally Gaming.
Premiul a fost atribuit de către revista “European Casinos – The Elite”.
In cele ce urmează redăm, integral Comunicatul de Presă primit pe adresa redacției, comunicat ce face referire la acest premiu primit de compania DRGT.
„DRGT wins ‘Golden Dice’ award at ICE 2016
Award for the ‘Fastest growing Systems Company in 2015’
Editors of the European casino magazine – ‘European Casinos – The Elite’ presented DRGT’s CEO – Jurgen De Munck – with the magazines ‘Golden Dice’ award to acknowledge it for being the fastest growing systems company in 2015.
In the presentation which took place at the ICE Totally Gaming Show in London during February 2016, Mr. De Munck proudly noted, “I would like to thank European Casinos – The Elite magazine for this award which we see as a reward for all our hard work and dedication in developing what is arguably the world’s most advanced gaming system. After recently adding Tables Management, Tables Jackpots and a full Interactive solution to our already comprehensive list of modules, we now believe we can compete against any system provider in the world. We are continually changing the way systems are seen and used in our industry. From previously being seen as a legislative necessity, today DRGT customers are seeing that our system provides many channels to both manage and drive revenues in an increasingly complex and competitive environment. In line with our tag line, “One System – Infinite Solutions”, the DRGT system is a modular, flexible and cost effective system solution that boasts some of the most powerful functionality in the world and which is the reason more and more gaming locations are choosing DRGT as their systems partner”.
The presentation of the ‘Golden Dice’ award fitted in excellently to what has been the busiest and most successful ICE for DRGT to date. The jury at European Casinos – The Elite magazine chose DRGT from a number of candidates in the casino industry as the company that stood out the most for their advanced Systems technology in 2015. DRGT has established itself as the most innovative and extremely reliable Systems supplier to the global gaming industry with Endorsements from customers around the globe that certify this.”
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